Friday, April 07, 2006


Meet me there. Again!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Almost forgot

It's cartoon Thursday.


I had a sucky day, after a whole bunch of sucky days. And tomorrow will suck too.
I am moody, my head hurts, I want to just let it all out and sleep.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Don't Panic

Do you ever feel like someone else in the universe expressed your thoughts so much better than you ever could? Today, I totally do.

Coldplay - Don't Panic

Bones, sinking like stones,
All that we fought for,
And homes, places we've grown,
All of us are done for.

We live in a beautiful world,
Yeah we do, yeah we do,
We live in a beautiful world.

Oh, all that I know,
There's nothing here to run from,
Cause yeah, everybody here's got somebody to lean on.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Take me there

Photo by Daniel Bergman

When I was in 4th grade, I first started taking grown-up subjects like chemistry, biology, physics, and history. The Bulgarian education system, however, is besides the point; although it deserves a post some other time. The point is that my favorite subject was geography, all the way until the end of high school. I loved it. I loved coloring contour maps, filling in the green pastures and the brown mountains. More than anything, I loved the pictures and descriptions of lands that were so far away - geographically, culturally, politically - yet in my childhood imagination were so close. Have you ever felt that way?
The final assignment in the 6th grade geography class was to write a report on a foreign country. I chose Iceland. Why? Because my dad had a small book called "The Micro States of Europe" on one of the shelves in his study and it had articles about, well, the micro states of Europe. I swear, half my classmates copied their reports from my dad's book. But I got to pick first and I chose Iceland, because it had the longest report in the book (I was always a nerd!) and the pretties pictures. Black and white pictures, printed on some horrible second-grade paper, with yellowing corners. Yet, they were fantastic. They captured me so intensely, that right then and there I made a vow to myself to visit Iceland before I die. In my 12-year-old brain, that meant I had all of eternity to do it. Maybe I still do, but I need to hurry.

Take me to Iceland, will you? Take my breath away.